Donald Trum – Ein Menschenverachter seines eigenen Volkes?

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(Die deutsche Fassung ist weiter unten)

Donald Trump:I make my world widewidewitt – as I like it.

Here is the chronicle of when Trump said something about the corona virus ……

– January 22nd (CNBC interview – the day before, the first corona case in the US became known):“We have it completely under control. It is a person who comes from China and we have it under control. Everything will be fine.“

– January 30th (in Michigan – On this day, the WHO declared the spread of the virus an „international health emergency“):“We have a very small problem in this country right now – five. And all these people are recovering successfully.“

February 10 (in the Fox Business Interview):“You know that April is supposed to die with the hotter weather. And that is a wonderful date to look forward to.“

February 26 (in a press briefing on the number of US corona cases):“We are going down considerably, not upwards.“

February 26 (in press briefing):“It’s kind of like the normal flu we’re vaccinated against, and in principle we’re going to get a flu shot pretty quickly.“

March 6 (when visiting Atlanta):“I like this stuff. I really understand it. People are surprised that I understand it. Each of these doctors said, ‚How do you know so much about it?‘ Maybe I’m a natural. Maybe I should have done it instead of running as president. „

March 9 (on Twitter):“The fake news media and its partners, the Democratic Party, are doing everything in their half-way power (it used to be bigger!) To fuel the corona situation more than the facts show.“

March 15 (in press briefing):“It’s a highly contagious virus. Incredible. But we have tremendous control over it.“

March 17 (in press briefing):“I always knew it was a pandemic. I felt that it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.“
March 28 (on Twitter):“WE WILL WIN THIS WAR. If we win, we will be stronger and more united than before.“

March 29 (upcoming deaths):“If we can contain it so that we have between 100,000 and 200,000, then we have all done a good job together.“

April 1 (Almost 190,000 US infections became known the day before):“This hideous, hideous virus. You see how terrible it is, especially when you look at yesterday’s numbers.“

April 3 (on the recommendation to wear cloth masks for protection):“It is voluntary. […] I decided not to do it.“

7th of April:
„The WHO really screwed it up.“

April 8 (in the Fox News interview about possible easing):
„I would like to open with a big bang, a beautiful country, and just open.“

If you read the words of the American President Trump and consider the respective times, then you have to ask yourself whether:

– President Trump suffers from Alzheimer’s / dementia

– he lies ice cold and thinks his people have dementia or Alzheimer’s

– He believes that his people just want to hear what he says and his people are just stupid.

You can’t sell your people even more brutally for being stupid.

Does his people let this go on with them? It’s hard to imagine that his people would mostly re-elect him.

No question Trump is not to blame for the Sars Cov-2 coronavirus, but the way he behaves as a super-god shouldn’t be accepted by a people.

In addition, the measures that Trump has implemented in the past 3 years take revenge.

The health care reform that left 50 million Americans without health insurance was just as harmful as „America FIRST“, because many Americans will die without outside help. There is a lack of masks and developments.

Text in GERMAN:

#Donald #Trump: „#Ich mache mir die Welt, widewidewitt – wie sie mir gefällt.“

Hier einmal die Chronik, wann Trump was beim Thema Coronavirus gesagt hat……

– 22. Januar (CNBC-Interview – Am Vortag war der erste Corona-Fall in den USA bekannt geworden):

„Wir haben es völlig unter Kontrolle. Es ist eine Person, die aus China kommt, und wir haben es unter Kontrolle. Es wird alles gut werden.“

– 30. Januar (in Michigan – An diesem Tag erklärt die WHO die Ausbreitung des Virus zur „gesundheitlichen Notlage von internationaler Tragweite“):
„Wir haben in diesem Land im Moment ein sehr kleines Problem – fünf. Und all diese Menschen erholen sich erfolgreich.“

10. Februar (im Fox-Business-Interview):
„Sie wissen, dass es im April angeblich mit dem heißeren Wetter stirbt. Und das ist ein wunderbares Datum, auf das man sich freuen kann.“

26. Februar (in Pressebriefing über die Zahl der US-Corona-Fälle):“Bei uns geht es ganz erheblich nach unten, nicht nach oben.“

26. Februar (in Pressebriefing): „Es ist in etwa wie die normale Grippe, gegen die wir Impfungen haben. Und im Prinzip werden wir dafür ziemlich schnell eine Grippeimpfung bekommen.“

6. März (bei Besuch in Atlanta):
„Ich mag dieses Zeug. Ich verstehe es wirklich. Die Leute sind überrascht, dass ich es verstehe. Jeder dieser Ärzte sagte: ‚Woher wissen Sie so viel darüber?‘ Vielleicht bin ich ein Naturtalent. Vielleicht hätte ich das tun sollen, anstatt als Präsident zu kandidieren.“

9. März (auf Twitter): „Die Fake-News-Medien und ihre Partner, die Demokratische Partei, tun alles in ihrer halbwegs beachtlichen Macht (früher war sie größer!), um die Corona-Lage stärker anzuheizen, als die Fakten es hergeben.“

15. März (in Pressebriefing):
„Es ist ein hochansteckendes Virus. Unglaublich. Aber wir haben eine ungeheure Kontrolle darüber.“

17. März (in Pressebriefing):
„Ich habe immer gewusst, dass das eine Pandemie ist. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass es eine Pandemie ist, lange bevor es als Pandemie bezeichnet wurde.“

28. März (auf Twitter):
„WIR WERDEN DIESEN KRIEG GEWINNEN. Wenn wir den Sieg erringen, werden wir stärker und geeinter sein als zuvor.“

29. März (über bevorstehende Todesfälle):
„Wenn wir es so eindämmen können […], dass wir zwischen 100.000 und 200.000 haben, dann haben wir alle zusammen einen guten Job gemacht.“

1. April (Am Vortag wurden fast 190.000 US-Infektionen bekannt):
„Dieses scheußliche, scheußliche Virus. Sie sehen, wie schrecklich es ist, vor allem, wenn Sie sich die Zahlen von gestern anschauen.“

3. April (über die Empfehlung, Stoffmasken zum Schutz zu tragen):
„Das ist freiwillig. […] Ich habe mich entschieden, es nicht zu tun.“

7. April:
„Die WHO hat es wirklich vermasselt.“

8. April (im Fox-News-Interview über mögliche Lockerungen):
„Ich würde am liebsten mit einem großen Knall eröffnen, ein schönes Land, und einfach öffnen.“

——-Wenn man die Worte des amerikanischen Präsidenten Trump liest und dazu die jeweiligen Zeitpunkte beachtet, dann muss man sich schon fragen, ob:

– der Präsident Trump an Alzheimer / Demenz leidet

– er eiskalt lügt und meint sein Volk hat Demenz oder Alzheimer

– er die Auffassung vertritt, dass sein Volk einfach nur das hören will, was er sagt und sein Volk ist einfach dumm.

Noch brutaler kann man sein Volk nicht für dumm verkaufen.

Lässt sein Volk das mit sich weiter machen? Kaum vorstellbar, dass sein Volk überwiegend ihn wieder wählt.

Keine Frage, Trump ist nicht schuld am Coronavirus Sars Cov-2, aber die Art und Weise, wie er sich als Übergott verhält, sollte ein Volk nicht hinnehmen.

Im Übrigen rächen sich die Maßnahmen, die Trump in den letzten 3 Jahren umgesetzt hat.
Die Gesundheitsreform, die dafür gesorgt hat, dass 50 Mio. Amerikaner keine Krankenversicherung haben war genauso schädlich, wie „America FIRST“, denn ohne fremde Hilfe werden viele Amerikaner zusätzlich sterben. Es mangelt an Masken und Entwicklungen.


Mr. #President #Trump – „#It‘s #time #to #say #Good #Bye“ #Coronavirus #Covid_19

Mr. #President #Trump – „#It‘s #time #to #say #Good #Bye“ #Coronavirus #Covid_19

Incompetence and #ignorance

The #corona #virus #kills #Trump’s political style

What no democrat or #impeachment #procedure could do is now creating a deadly disease: seriously jeopardizing the re-election of the US president. Trump’s human and political deficits have never been as evident as in the Corona Virus era.

Visibly ill, Heidi Klum announced last Friday: „I really don’t feel well and asked two doctors to test me for #coronavirus – but there are simply no tests.“ Even if it was not meant as a criticism – the 46-year-old is one of those who do not use her fame for political statements – her message revealed the debacle of the American coronavirus crisis. While Asia, South America, Australia and Europe are tightening their protective measures, until recently not even a prominent businesswoman like Klum in the USA managed to get an examination for the fatal disease. Because there were (and still are) far too few tests nationwide, which are the prerequisite for detecting infection chains and specifically imposing quarantines.

The United States, the richest country in the world, let weeks pass unused before reacting – and this is mainly due to Donald Trump’s cap. The self-proclaimed savior of America, like climate change, showed himself to be a master of denial of reality, stood by and stood by, turning away and playing down. Health Minister Alex Azar spoke to his boss about Corona in January, but the White House ruler preferred to talk about how to deal with e-cigarettes.
Trump: „America is growing and growing“

At the World Economic Forum in Davos at the end of January, Trump intoxicated himself again: „America is growing and thriving.“ Subtext: Which of course is only thanks to my great pike. Oh yes, the virus: „We have it under control.“ Once again, the US president bleated something out into the world without being even informed. At that point in time, there were long dead in China, the World Health Organization (WHO) had set up a crisis meeting and virologists were certain that the virus could be transmitted from person to person.

But Trump still hasn’t understood that politics is hard work and you need to find out more. The Corona crisis was over in April at the latest, „if it gets a little warmer“ – clearly. Trump once again showed himself immune to the reality that his imagination threatens from – in just three years – newly created great America. Trump is narcissistic as he is in the criticism-resistant and anti-science bubble he created to maintain his own image of the greatest of all American presidents since Lincoln. He spoke of „dizziness“ – and as always his followers followed him. Just a few days ago, Trump fans thought the virus was an invention of the Democrats to harm their idolized Superman.

At some point, even Trump found that the situation was serious and that his re-election could be at risk, put on a baseball cap, showed that he had switched to crisis manager mode, and imposed an entry ban on Europeans. His attempt to scapegoat for his failure is ridiculous. He showed what an anti-social Egomane Trump is when he tried to secure medical know-how from Germany exclusively for the USA.

Because he, the withdrawn, has lost all of his down-to-earthness, Trump didn’t even feel foolish to celebrate the biggest jump in the stock market’s share price in the history of the country in capital letters on Twitter last Friday – but without referring to that in the days before Investors had lost unimaginable billion sums. The reality is not Trump’s thing if it doesn’t fit into his stuff. „We have enormous control over the virus,“ he said recently. And: „No country is better prepared and equipped to deal with this crisis.“ Anthony Fauci, head of the National Center for Allergies and Infectious Diseases, describes the level of prevention in this way : „It’s a weakness, let’s admit it.“ And: „The worst is yet to come.“

Trump: „We have the greatest experts in the world“
What is new for Trump is that he is dealing with an opponent whose means do not work. He cannot insult him on Twitter in order to gather his own followers behind emotions and gut feelings. With the supposed „Crooked Hillary“ this might work. But a virus cannot be twittered out of the world and cannot be stopped by a wall. That makes an ice-cold stop in the United States on his world tour. Numbers of infected and dead people are not a matter of interpretation, they cannot be turned into alternative facts. Trump can sow doubts about climate change – the images from Italy and China show the bitter truth of the corona virus.

Trump is now dependent on the ones he usually kicks in the bin: the media. Now they should educate and warn. Suddenly, the science Trump ignores or despises and ridicules climate change is his best friend: „We have the greatest experts in the world.“ So that means: In America, only dilettantes are at work in climate research, but the USA is number one internationally when it comes to fighting a pandemic.

Trump recently said about the increase in diseases: „I want the numbers to stay as they are.“ Everyone wants that. Only when the US President says such sentences, on the one hand, do they reveal the extent of his ignorance and ignorance about the crisis. And on the other hand, it is not just a very understandable wish, but an omnipotence that is typical of Trump.
Falsification of facts, lies, emotionalization, delusion of persecution, mistrust, ignorance, incompetence paired with disinterest and stupidity, wishful thinking combined with denial of reality: all of this is part of Trump’s nature and political strategy. What no democrat, no impeachment procedure and no celebrity has managed to do is now creating a deadly virus. It attacks or kills Trump’s political style – and hopefully costs him re-election.


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