Wenn selbst das rechtsgerichtete WSJ so etwas schreibt…
BREAKING: Das konservative Wall Street Journal macht die MAGA-Welt wütend, indem es davor warnt, dass wir dank seiner katastrophalen Zölle direkt in eine ausgewachsene „Trump-Rezession“ stürzen.
Wenn ein republikanischer Präsident das WSJ verliert, weiß man, dass die Dinge schlecht laufen…
„Die Märkte werden von Rezessionsängsten aufgewühlt, da die Tech-Aktien und der Dow Jones Industrial Average am Montag erneut stark gefallen sind. Die Aktienkurse sind seit geraumer Zeit hoch bewertet, und es könnte sich lediglich um eine Marktkorrektur handeln. Aber es gibt auch Anzeichen für eine Verlangsamung der Wirtschaft, die die Trump-Administration in Alarmbereitschaft versetzen sollten“, schrieb die Redaktion des Journal in einem Artikel mit dem Titel „Will There Be a Trump Recession?“.
Die Redaktion kritisierte Trump, der sich am Wochenende weigerte, die Möglichkeit einer Konjunkturabschwächung auszuschließen, und stattdessen sagte, es gebe eine Übergangszeit, weil das, was wir tun, sehr groß ist“, was der Stimmung nicht zuträglich war.
Was genau sich Trump von seinen irrwitzigen Zöllen erhofft – abgesehen von einigen nebulösen Forderungen in Bezug auf Einwanderung und Fentanyl-Schmuggel – ist noch unklar.
„Herr Trump hat zu Recht darauf hingewiesen, dass ein Präsident sich nicht mit kurzfristigen Reaktionen der Investoren auf eine Wirtschaftspolitik beschäftigen sollte, die das langfristige Wachstum ankurbeln wird. Aber es gibt deutliche Anzeichen dafür, dass sich die US-Wirtschaft verlangsamt“, schrieb das Journal.
Konkret verwies die rechtsgerichtete Zeitung auf die jüngsten enttäuschenden Arbeitsmarktberichte, die eskalierenden Handelskriege mit unseren engen Verbündeten Kanada und Mexiko sowie das allgemeine Chaos und die Unsicherheit, die von dieser Regierung verursacht werden.
Der Vorstand nannte auch konkrete Fälle, in denen die Zölle Unternehmen in den Ruin treiben. Ein Hersteller von Transportausrüstungen erklärte, dass „die Kunden aufgrund der Ungewissheit über die Zölle mit neuen Aufträgen zurückhaltend sind“.
Ähnlich äußerte sich ein Maschinenhersteller: „Die kommenden Zölle führen zu einer Verteuerung unserer Produkte“, da „umfassende Preiserhöhungen von Seiten der Lieferanten kommen“.
„Wenn Zölle die Stahlpreise in die Höhe treiben, erhöhen die stahlverarbeitenden Unternehmen ihre Preise“, erklärte das Journal und entlarvte damit Trumps falsche Behauptung, dass die Kosten der Zölle vom Ausland und nicht von den inländischen Verbrauchern getragen werden.
Der Leitartikel schloss mit der Feststellung, dass alle oben genannten Faktoren auf ein langsameres Wachstum hindeuten, selbst wenn die Wirtschaft der Rezession entgeht“.
„Wenn Herr Trump den Rezessionsalarm beruhigen will, wäre es klug, seine Zollpläne auf Eis zu legen“, schrieb der Vorstand.
The Munich Security Conference 2025 marks a historic turning point in transatlantic relations.
With his speech, U.S. Vice President J.D. Vance sent an unmistakable signal:
The days of close political coordination between the U.S. and Europe may soon be over.
More than that—his remarks raise fundamental questions about the future of Western democracies.
An Attack on European Democratic Principles
Vance used his appearance before an international audience to deliver sharp criticism of European governments.
In his view, freedom of speech on the continent is increasingly being restricted—an assertion that has been met with strong opposition in Germany and other EU countries.
In Europe, the protection of democratic principles is considered essential.
Combating targeted disinformation or extremist influence is not an attack on democracy but rather its safeguard.
However, the most explosive part of his speech concerned Germany’s political landscape.
Vance urged established parties to reconsider their stance on the AfD and to stop excluding the party from governmental responsibility.
In doing so, he crossed a diplomatic boundary, as there is a broad consensus in Germany that cooperation with extremist forces is out of the question.
Interestingly, after the event, Vance met privately with Alice Weidel at another location. What was discussed between Vance and Weidel remains unknown.
Sharp Reactions from Germany
Berlin’s response was swift.
Both the German government and opposition representatives firmly rejected Vance’s statements.
Bavarian Minister-President Markus Söder made it clear that only German parties and voters decide on political coalitions:
“We will not be dictated to here.”
Similarly, government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit stated that direct interference in German election campaigns was inappropriate.
Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock emphasized that it is solely up to German voters to determine their government.
The sharpness of the reactions illustrates how much Vance’s words were perceived as an affront.
Not only because they question the sovereignty of European democracies, but also because they hint at a fundamental break with the traditional transatlantic relationship.
Under Trump and Vance, the U.S. no longer seems to position itself primarily as a reliable partner for Europe but rather as a force seeking to redraw political lines—even if this means directly influencing European domestic politics.
A Turning Point for the Transatlantic Partnership?
J.D. Vance’s speech could go down in history as a turning point.
It not only reveals a shift in the U.S.’s self-perception under Trump but also highlights new tensions between Washington and Europe’s capitals.
The fundamental values that have shaped transatlantic cooperation for decades—democracy, the rule of law, and a shared security policy—are apparently being reinterpreted by the new U.S. administration.
For Europe, this presents a clear challenge:
The era of unconditional American support seems to be over.
Germany and its European partners must position themselves more strongly as independent geopolitical players in order to defend their democratic principles and security interests.
The words of German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at the security conference take on special significance in this context:
“Diplomacy is not a cage fight.”
The coming years will show whether Europe remains true to this principle—and whether the U.S. remains a reliable partner in defending Western values.
My Comment:
The statements and behavior of the new Trump & Vance administration make it clear to me that the U.S. does not want a strong Europe but rather a Trump-loyal following and would prefer to see the EU fragmented as an independent entity.
It is no coincidence that Vance, Trump, and Musk support right-wing populist movements and that they are trying to tear down the barrier against the “largely far-right AfD” in Germany.
Vance’s statements go beyond all diplomatic norms.
Trump will soon realize that he is overplaying his hand!
Trump is attempting to overturn the entire world order—without regard for the existing value system.
Under Trump, the only rule that should apply is the law of the strongest.
And for this, he is using the oligarchy of American billionaires, who also have the greatest control over the media.
Trump, Vance, and Musk do not support right-wing populist organizations because they do not see democracy in Germany and the EU.
No, the real reasons are:
• The European Union, with over 450 million inhabitants, is too strong.
• The EU should revert to fossil energy and become even more dependent on U.S. gas, oil, etc.
• The success of renewable energy in the EU—especially in Germany—bothers the U.S. just as much as it bothers Russia.
Trump is not just causing disruption in the EU—he is shaking up the world at an alarming pace!
Today—The Trump Problem
Regardless of whether it’s Trump’s idea to:
• Buy Gaza and turn it into “Dubai 2 on the Mediterranean” as a real estate deal through third parties,
• Take over Greenland—by force if necessary—using geopolitical security as a pretext, while the real goal is seizing natural resources,
• Incorporate Canada as the 51st state,
• Take control of the Panama Canal,
• Increase tariffs on imports from Mexico, Canada, and China,
• Impose blanket tariffs on steel and aluminum imports,
Trump coldly executes his deals everywhere.
His strategy—demand 10 steps, settle for 2—is one of his success formulas.
His second success strategy is to never admit a mistake. And if caught lying, he simply adds another lie on top.
These will not be his last actions.
Even the so-called Russia-Ukraine peace negotiations will be used by Trump for his own advantage—as his deal.
Rare earth minerals in Ukraine would certainly appeal to Trump.
A Matter of Time Before Attacked Nations Unite
Attempts to weaken the European Union through division will likely only lead to greater unity.
And if certain disruptive elements—such as Hungary—try to harm the EU, this might even result in the formation of a new EU2 with global democratic allies.
Why shouldn’t:
• All EU member states (450 million people),
• Other democratic European countries (e.g., the UK, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein),
• Canada,
• Australia,
• New Zealand,
• Japan,
• India,
• South America,
• etc.
form a stronger import-export alliance?
In total, these countries have a combined population of 2.55 billion people!
None of these nations actually need the U.S.
The U.S. has just 340 million inhabitants.
If these nations stand together, Trump would be forced to back down in many areas.
Trump can only act the way he does toward the rest of the world if these countries allow it.