Donald Trumps zweite Amtszeit: Eine Katastrophe für Durchschnittsamerikaner – Ein Segen für Milliardäre?

Ein Beitrag von

Werner Hoffmann
– Demokratie der Mitte, weil Extremflügel das Land zerstören –

Seit seinem Wiedereinzug ins Weiße Haus im Januar 2025 hat Donald Trump eine Reihe von Maßnahmen ergriffen, die sowohl innen- als auch außenpolitisch für erhebliche Kontroversen sorgen.

Seine Politik schwächt demokratische Institutionen, verschärft wirtschaftliche Probleme und zeigt aggressive imperialistische Tendenzen.

Während die Bevölkerung unter steigenden Preisen und wachsender Unsicherheit leidet, profitieren Großkonzerne und Superreiche von den wirtschaftlichen Weichenstellungen der Regierung.

Innenpolitische Maßnahmen: Demokratieabbau und wirtschaftlicher Niedergang

Schwächung demokratischer Institutionen

Trump unterzeichnete eine Exekutivanordnung mit dem Titel “Sicherstellung der Rechenschaftspflicht aller Behörden”, die ihm die Befugnis gibt, Gesetze nach eigenem Ermessen auszulegen und deren Einhaltung zu bestimmen. Kritiker sehen darin einen klaren Schritt in Richtung Autoritarismus und eine Bedrohung der Gewaltenteilung.

Schließung des Bildungsministeriums

Das Bildungsministerium wurde abgeschafft, wodurch bundesweite Bildungsstandards und Förderprogramme für Schüler entfallen. Besonders benachteiligte Kinder und Jugendliche leiden unter dieser Entscheidung, da Bildungsinvestitionen nun den einzelnen Bundesstaaten überlassen bleiben.

Handelskriege und steigende Inflation

Trump führte hohe Zölle auf Importe aus Mexiko, Kanada und China ein, was drastische Folgen für die amerikanische Wirtschaft hat:

   •   Höhere Verbraucherpreise: Produkte des täglichen Bedarfs, Elektronik, Fahrzeuge und Lebensmittel verteuern sich erheblich, da Unternehmen die Importkosten an die Konsumenten weitergeben.

   •   Anstieg der Inflation: Ökonomen warnen vor steigender Inflation, die besonders Geringverdiener belastet und das Wirtschaftswachstum ausbremst.

   •   Profite für Milliardäre: Während Durchschnittsamerikaner unter steigenden Kosten leiden, profitieren Großunternehmen durch Steuervergünstigungen und Aktienrückkäufe von Trumps Wirtschaftspolitik.

Handelskriege und steigende Inflation

Die USA sind erneut aus dem Pariser Klimaabkommen ausgetreten. Trump besetzte die Umweltschutzbehörde (EPA) mit Lobbyisten der Öl-, Gas- und Chemieindustrie und schwächte Umweltvorschriften massiv. Dies beschleunigt Umweltzerstörung und gefährdet den Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen.

Angriffe auf Bürgerrechte

Trump hob Diversitäts-, Gleichstellungs- und Inklusionsprogramme auf und schränkte die Rechte von LGBTQ+-Personen ein. Diese Maßnahmen untergraben den sozialen Zusammenhalt und stärken rechtspopulistische Bewegungen.

Imperialistische Bestrebungen: Trumps geopolitische Machtspiele

Annexionspläne: Grönland, Kanada und der Panamakanal

   •   Trump äußerte erneut den Wunsch, Grönland unter US-Kontrolle zu bringen, und drohte mit wirtschaftlichen sowie militärischen Maßnahmen.

   •   Kanada wurde von Trump als potenzieller 51. Bundesstaat bezeichnet, was international für Empörung sorgte. Premierminister Justin Trudeau wies die Forderung scharf zurück.

   •   Der Panamakanal soll laut Trump wieder unter US-Kontrolle kommen. Er forderte die Rückgabe des Kanals und drohte mit wirtschaftlichen Sanktionen gegenüber Panama.

Einmischung in internationale Konflikte

   •   Gazastreifen: Trump schlug vor, den Gazastreifen unter US-Kontrolle zu bringen und die dortige Bevölkerung umzusiedeln – ein klarer Verstoß gegen das Völkerrecht.

   •   Ukrainekrieg: Trump forderte, dass die Ukraine den USA exklusive Zugriffsrechte auf ihre Rohstoffe gewährt. Als Reaktion stellte er die US-Militärhilfe für die Ukraine vorerst ein.

Destabilisierung Europas

Trump unterstützt aktiv rechtspopulistische, rechtsextreme und libertäre Parteien in Europa, um traditionelle politische Bündnisse zu schwächen und die EU zu destabilisieren. Dies zeigt sich durch finanzielle Zuwendungen und offene Wahlkampfhilfe für extrem rechte Parteien in Frankreich, Deutschland und Italien.

Präsident Donald Trumps jüngste politische Entscheidungen könnten zu einer Implosion seines Systems führen und die USA 2.0 in eine Isolationsfalle treiben, insbesondere wenn sich eine globale “Koalition der Willigen” formiert, die etwa 3 Milliarden Menschen umfasst.

USA 2.0, Russland und Weißrussland: Gesamtbevölkerung

Die kombinierte Bevölkerung der USA 2.0, Russlands und Weißrusslands beträgt etwa 486 Millionen Menschen.

Gründe für die potenzielle Implosion des Trump-Systems und die Isolation der USA 2.0:

1. Unilaterale Außenpolitik: Trumps aggressive Außenpolitik, einschließlich der Forderung nach Kontrolle über den Panamakanal und der Einmischung in internationale Konflikte wie im Gazastreifen und der Ukraine, isoliert die USA auf diplomatischer Ebene.

2. Handelskonflikte: Die Einführung hoher Zölle auf Importe aus wichtigen Handelspartnern führt zu Handelskriegen, die das Vertrauen in die US-Wirtschaft untergraben und globale Lieferketten stören.

3. Destabilisierung traditioneller Allianzen: Durch die Unterstützung rechtsextremer und rechtspopulistischer Parteien in Europa untergräbt Trump traditionelle Bündnisse, was zu einer Neuorientierung europäischer Staaten führen könnte.

Formierung der “Koalition der Willigen”:

Als Reaktion auf Trumps Politik könnten sich Länder zusammenschließen, um eine “Koalition der Willigen” zu bilden, die auf multilateraler Zusammenarbeit und gemeinsamen Werten basiert. Diese Koalition könnte etwa 3 Milliarden Menschen umfassen und würde die USA 2.0 weiter isolieren.


Trumps aktuelle Politik könnte die USA 2.0 in eine selbstverschuldete Isolation führen, während andere Nationen durch neue Allianzen ihre globale Position stärken.

Amerikas „Goldenes Zeitalter Trumps“ hat begonnen. MIdterms sind der 3. November 2026:

Ein Beitrag von

Übersetzung von

Werner Hoffmann
– Demokratie der Mitte, weil Extremflügel das Land zerstören –

Amerikas „Goldenes Zeitalter Trumps“ hat begonnen. MIdterms sind der 3. November 2026:


✔ Inflation steigt auf 3 %

✔ Arbeitslosenmeldungen steigen auf 242.000

✔ Die Märkte stürzen nach Trumps Zöllen ab

✔ 36 Millionen Amerikaner sind durch GOP-Medicaid-Kürzungen in ihrer Krankenversicherung gefährdet

✔ Sozialversicherungszahlungen sind von Unterbrechungen bedroht

✔ Flugsicherheit und Wettervorhersagen durch Kürzungen bei DOGE gefährdet

✔ Veteranendienste stehen unter Beschuss

✔ Tödlicher Masernausbruch

Mexico’s President Threatens Trump and Musk: “Build Your Wall – and We Won’t Buy Anything from You!”


Werner Hoffmann – Democracy of the Center, because extreme wings destroy nations. –

Free World of True Democracy – Unite.

It’s no coincidence that I took a vacation in the U.S. last September.

As early as January 2024, I feared that Trump would turn the U.S. into “USA 2.0.” That’s why I asked my family to visit the U.S. one more time and take a trip along the West Coast.

What I experienced during that trip confirmed my belief that Trump will most likely become U.S. president again and drastically reshape the country.

Trump systematically undermines democracy and sees himself as above the law and the courts.

For some time now, Trump, the Republicans, right-wing populists, and the fossil fuel lobby have been strategically planning a power grab.

We are only witnessing the early stages of an imperialist force, backed by tech billionaires and the fossil fuel industry.

His plans include:

   •   Building a border wall with Mexico,

   •   Imposing tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and Europe,

   •   Taking over Greenland,

   •   Annexing Canada as the 51st state,

   •   Seizing control of the Panama Canal,

   •   Dictating peace terms to Ukraine, ultimately leading to its destruction by Russia,

   •   Extorting Ukraine for its natural resources, including rare earth minerals.

These aren’t just signs of imperialism – they are clear statements of intent to plunder entire regions worldwide.

The real driver behind these plans is access to resources.

Trump even wants to claim Gaza as his own and turn it into a second Dubai. What’s not widely known is that about 30 miles off the coast of Gaza, massive gas reserves remain untapped due to the region’s instability. Trump could easily exploit them without facing any consequences.

Similarly, his interest in Greenland isn’t about national security, which could be addressed by expanding NATO bases. It’s about the resources buried beneath the ice.

Trump also wants access to more Arctic oil reserves, which is why he aims to integrate Canada into the U.S.

And as for the European Union, Trump’s ultimate goal is to dismantle it. It’s no coincidence that Germany’s far-right AfD is aligned with the U.S. Republican Party. In Austria, the FPÖ shares similar ties, while in Italy, there’s a close relationship between Musk and Prime Minister Meloni.

In France, Marine Le Pen is expected to rise to power after the 2027 presidential election. Until then, she must maintain a moderate image to secure her chances. However, the French should remember that Le Pen was previously involved in a financial scandal tied to Russia.

It’s time for democratic nations to stand together instead of allowing themselves to be divided.

If the world’s democracies unite, Trump and Putin’s strategies will fail.

1st Major Development:

Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum Sends a Message to Trump and Musk on Behalf of the REST OF THE WORLD

“So, you’ve decided to build a wall… Fine, my dear Americans. Even though geography isn’t your strong suit – after all, you think ‘America’ refers only to your country and not an entire continent – you should know what you are shutting out before you lay the first brick.

There are 7 billion people outside your wall. Since you don’t seem too concerned about ‘people,’ let’s call them consumers instead.

There are 7 billion consumers ready to replace the iPhone with a Samsung or Huawei within 42 hours. They can just as easily swap Levi’s for Zara or Massimo Dutti.

We can stop buying Ford and Chevrolet in favor of Toyota, KIA, Mazda, Honda, Hyundai, Volvo, Subaru, Renault, or BMW—brands that are technologically superior anyway.

These 7 billion people could also cancel their DirectTV subscriptions. And while we may not enjoy doing so, we could stop watching Hollywood movies and instead turn to Latin American and European productions, which surpass Hollywood in quality, content, and cinematography.

Believe it or not, we can stop visiting Disney theme parks and choose Xcaret in Cancún, Mexico, or destinations in Canada, South America, Asia, and Europe instead.

And guess what? Mexico has better burgers than McDonald’s—healthier ones too.

Ever seen a pyramid in the U.S.? You’ll find them in Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, Sudan, and many other places, rich in fascinating history and culture.

Look up where the wonders of the ancient and modern world are…

None of them are in the U.S. Too bad for Trump—otherwise, he would have bought and resold them!

We know Adidas exists, not just Nike, and we can start wearing Mexican sneaker brands like Panam.

We know far more than you think. For example, we know that if these 7 billion consumers stop buying your products, unemployment will skyrocket, and your economy will collapse within your racist wall—until you beg us to tear it down.

We wanted nothing, but… You wanted a wall? Well, now you have one.



Please share this message with 12 people. If you don’t, nothing will happen—except that many people will remain unaware of these realities.




2nd Major Development:

Economic War Escalates – Canada Slams the Door on Trump and Musk, U.S. Companies Lose Billions!


Stefan Vogt

Canada is taking serious action in response to Trump’s tariff war. Following Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ontario’s Premier Doug Ford is now going all-in.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the premiers of other provinces are already discussing similar measures and preparing to implement them swiftly.

This could be a crisis too big for Trump to handle.

BREAKING: Ontario Premier Doug Ford takes a hammer to Trump and Musk over disastrous MAGA tariffs – cancels a lucrative Starlink deal and bans U.S. companies from government contracts.

And this is just the beginning…

“Starting today, all U.S.-based companies are barred from participating in government contracts. Each year, our province and its agencies spend about $30 billion on procurement, in addition to our $200 billion infrastructure development plan,” Ford announced.

“U.S. companies will now lose billions in revenue, and they have only President Trump to blame,” he said bluntly.

“I’m also calling on all 444 municipalities to follow suit, and I’m glad that some have already begun.

For instance, Mayor Patrick Brown and the city of Brampton have taken action, along with many other cities,” Ford added.

“As part of this government-wide procurement ban, we’re taking things a step further. Ontario’s contract with Starlink? It’s done. It’s gone,” he declared regarding the $100 million deal.

“We will not award contracts to those who facilitate and encourage economic attacks on our province and country,” Ford emphasized.

“Along with federal tariffs and measures proposed by my fellow premiers, this is just the first response from ‘Team Canada,’” he said.

Ford has even threatened to cut electricity exports to the U.S. and impose a 25% surcharge on energy exports to New York, Michigan, and Minnesota.

Meanwhile, the U.S. stock market is in free fall, and prices are already surging. If Trump doesn’t change course immediately, the economy is heading straight into a full-blown recession.

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Donald Trump’s Economic Policies: Are His Tariffs Driving the U.S. into Crisis?

By Werner Hoffmann
   – Democracy of the Center, because extreme wings destroy the country –

#Elon #Musk und die Strippenfigur #Donald #Trump

Nobel Prize-Winning Economist Warns of Trump’s Economic Strategy

With bold slogans and grand promises, Donald Trump once again secured the U.S. presidency. While his campaign mantra, “Make America Great Again,” pledges economic prosperity, leading economists warn that the country might instead be heading toward serious financial trouble.

One of the most vocal critics of Trump’s economic policies is Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning economist and professor at Columbia University. According to Stiglitz, Trump’s tariff policies could significantly increase inflation and weaken the U.S. economy in the long run.

Trump’s Tariffs: A Threat to Growth and Investment

Before Trump’s re-election, many experts had already voiced concerns about his protectionist trade policies. Now, those fears seem to be materializing. Trump has implemented steep tariffs, particularly on trade with China and the European Union. While these measures are meant to protect American industries, Stiglitz warns they may do more harm than good:

   •   Rising Inflation: Higher import tariffs drive up the cost of goods for American consumers, increasing inflation.

   •   Declining Foreign Investment: Uncertainty over long-term trade relations discourages international investors.

   •   Sluggish Job Growth: Higher production costs could force companies to cut jobs or relocate overseas.

“If the U.S. government tears up trade agreements arbitrarily, businesses will ask themselves: ‘Do we really want to invest here?’” says Stiglitz. This uncertainty could reduce America’s attractiveness to global corporations.

Real-World Example: How Trump’s Tariffs Increase Production Costs

A practical example illustrates the impact of Trump’s tariffs on businesses. Consider the journey of imported steel used in automobile manufacturing and how tariffs affect the final cost of a car.

Without Tariffs:

A company imports $1 million worth of steel into the U.S. Since there are no import duties, the cost remains the same. The steel is then processed in the U.S., increasing its value by 120%, bringing it to $2.2 million. The processed steel is then exported to Mexico, where it undergoes further processing in car manufacturing. The additional 180% value increase brings the cost to $6.16 million. When the finished car is imported back to the U.S., there are no additional tariffs, so the final cost remains $6.16 million.

With Trump’s Tariffs:

A 25% tariff is applied to the initial steel import, immediately raising its cost to $1.25 million. After a 120% value increase in the U.S., the new price reaches $2.75 million. The steel is then exported to Mexico, where it undergoes a 180% value increase, raising the price to $7.7 million. When the finished car is reimported to the U.S., an additional 25% tariff is applied, bringing the total cost to $9.63 million.

This example highlights how Trump’s protectionist policies drive production costs up by $3.47 million, a burden that ultimately affects companies and consumers.

Is Stagflation Looming for the U.S.?

According to Joseph Stiglitz, Trump’s economic policies could lead the U.S. into a “stagflation” crisis—a rare but particularly dangerous scenario where high inflation coincides with stagnant economic growth. This could push the American economy into one of its most severe downturns in decades.

The primary factors contributing to this risk include:

   •   Higher production costs due to tariffs

   •   Trade wars reducing U.S. export markets

   •   Decreasing investor confidence due to unpredictable economic policies

If Trump continues on this course, the U.S. economy could face significant challenges in the coming years.

Conclusion: The Risks of Trump’s Economic Policies

While Trump promotes his economic policies as a way to protect American industries, renowned experts like Joseph Stiglitz warn of severe long-term consequences. Trade wars, tariffs, and unpredictable policy shifts could deter investment and push the U.S. into economic instability.

The steel and automobile industry example demonstrates how protectionist measures significantly inflate production costs. Without tariffs, businesses could operate more efficiently and remain globally competitive. However, under Trump’s policies, rising costs could harm both corporations and American consumers.

If Stiglitz’s predictions prove correct, Trump’s economic strategy may ultimately weaken the U.S. economy and disrupt global trade—leading to severe consequences for businesses, investors, and everyday Americans.


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